Thursday, February 21, 2008
Good Day!
Returned a pair of Robeez that we got as a gift for Beck to Nordstrom and they are shipping me (free of charge) the correct size. I love Norsdstrom, you don't get the level of customer service that they provide anywhere else.
Then I went to the Gap (you always have to check to see if anything is on sale) and I found a perfect pair of jeans on sale for $11.99. They are even the right length-petite. Not that I am a petite girl by any means but I have short legs. Woo Hoo!!
Aubrey ate a huge breakfast & lunch. I always have to be thankful for that since my little 26 pounder is so petite. And she took a nap today at her nap time, Tuesday & Wednesday she refused to nap and then finally collapsed at 5:30pm. Now if I could just get the Beckster to sleep longer than 20 minutes, he is my catnapper.
Only drawback today was I couldn't get into the Pilates class today again b/c the infant daycare was booked. They will only take 8 infants at a time, I should have scheduled him sooner again. And the last 2 weeks I haven't been able to go b/c Aubrey & Beck have been to sick to take them to the daycare. One day the stars will all align and I will get to go.
And I have the CUTEST baby boy in the whold wide world. I took these of Beck on my bed this afternoon. He is the smiliest baby ever!! And he is practicing sitting up, he can only do it for a few seconds but once he realizes that he is the one doing it he will master it.
Is this not the cutest baby boy ever? Really!
I really am so blessed!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Too cute!!
Aubrey & her B-daddy
We took the kiddos to Sesame Street Live on Sunday afternoon with our friends Brian (or as Aubrey says B-daddy) & Soriya (Momma) and their 3 year old little girl Jenna (Nenna). The girls had so much fun!! Here are some highlights...but I think that Aubrey might have been more excited about the flag/pennant that she got afterwards.
More inportantly we went to Trudy's afterwards for some excellent Mexican Martini's. They are so good they only let you have 2, oh yeah they have pretty good food too. Overall great day and we were all home by 8:30 pm.
And yes I realize that I have 2 thumb suckers, neither one of them has ever or would ever take a binky. No matter how hard Shelly tries or how many binkys she buys. I really have tried to get Beck to take a binky mostly because as Aubrey is getting older I am realizing how hard it is going to be to get her to stop but he would have nothing to do with it just like his sister. :(
Update on Aubrey
Friday, February 15, 2008
And the Drama continues...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Vomit and my life
I think this is a completely appropriate topic for Valentine's Day. ;)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Chest X-ray Update
Oh, What a day we've had...
Beck's stats from his 6 month well baby visit 27 inches long (75%), head 44 cm (50%) and his weight was only 14 lbs 6.4 oz (5-10%) he has lost some weight with this sickness, the other reason that I am worried about him. He was in the 25% percentile for weight at his 3 month check up. His length & head are the same percentile as before so that is good.
Then of course we had to go by the SBUX drivethru (see Monday's blog). And then we were off to Walgreen's the other place I go to as much as Starbucks (feels like it anyway). I decided to take the kiddos into the store in the double stroller so I could wait for the Rx's and pick up my sweetie a Val's day card (I'm such a procrastinator). The doc mentioned giving Beck Benedryl and Aubrey Claritin for their allergies, during high allergy seasons like now in Austin with the Cedar Fever. So while I was waiting in line there was a Zyrtec display just next to me and I picked up a plastic bottle in a box of the new over the counter Children's Zyrtec to take a look at it and compare it to the Claritin that I already had picked up. Decided not to get it and I put it back on the display shelf and of course it fell off, so I picked it up again and the clear super sticky liquid starts spilling out of the box onto my hand and so I cuped my other hand underneath it to keep it contained. That didn't work very well so I am spilling an entire bottle of Children's Zyrtec all over the floor and I have to ask the clerk who is helping another customer for some help. She gives me a plastic bag and then comes back with some paper towels. I felt so cool cleaning up the floor of Walgreen's. Very classic Jen-very proud moment.
Decided to get out of Walgreen's, go home, feed Aubrey some lunch and all take a much deserved nap.
Oh yeah, at the hospital Beck was getting a little plastic braclet thing on his ankle and of course Aubrey was upset that she didn't get one so the nurse put a blank one on Aubrey's ankle too. She can con anyone out of anything-you should see her work her Daddy, he is totally wrapped around her little finger.
Aubrey cheeseing it up for the camera b/c I got it out to take a picture of their ankles.
The sweetest baby boy ever taking a nap on my bed, Poor guy he just feels rotten.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Yoga Yoga
Monday, February 11, 2008
Venti Nonfat No Water Chai Tea Latte, Please!
Jerry always says the longer it takes you to order your drink at Starbucks the more HIGH maintenance you are. I am one of those girls that has never claimed to be LOW maintenance, I will be the first to tell you that I am High maintenance. Brad knows it, he knew it before he married me. And now he is stuck with me for better or worse, in sickness (flu) and health, as long as we both shall live. I am happy with that!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Beckster
The Beckster turned 6 months old today and I can't believe it. We are half way to ONE, man that flew by. I am still coming to grips that I have 2 kids, I feel like I just found out that I was prego with Aubrey. Time is going by so fast my head is spinning.
Here you go Beck, Happy 6 months old. I love you!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Update on Dee Dee
The Blessing
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mossy Oak
Mossy Oak is the type of Camoflauge for Beck's new big boy carseat. What!?! There are types of camoflauge you ask, silly me I thought the same thing. I let Brad pick it out, it wouldn't be something that I would choose but I am trying to let Brad pick out some of the boy stuff. Anyway I am sick and tired of carrying around the huge & heavy carrier carseat so we are moving the Beckster to his Britax this week.
And of course I had to get some pics of Aubrey. Whenever I get the camera out she says "My cheese", she calls cameras cheese, and she poses and grins.
Dee Dee's Adventures in Canada...Ay!
Anita, the VP called from Calgary. She told the office we are to be getting blizzard conditions in 24 - 48 hours. Great, because it is already supposed to be 24 below ZERO Saturday night, ladies and that is in FARENHEIT.
I have a few questions:
1. What the firetruck is a blizzard?
2. Where is the liquor store?
3. What the firetruck is a blizzard?
4. Where is the liquor store?
5. See question #1.
6. See question #2.
Tara can't wait. She is ready for a "couch" day. I had to ask what that was, because I couldn't understand what she said when she said the word "couch." It sounded like she kept saying she can't wait to take a "coach" day. So, I thought, a Coach? Like the purse? Like what Cinderella rode in? Is a Coach day something Canadians call a comp day?
Geeeeeez......... Oh I get it!!!! A SOFA day!
In Memory of Brad..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
House of Sickness
Monday, February 4, 2008
Can't see the hand in front of my face.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Are you freakin' kidding me?
Brad says that it is nicer than Sky Gym in Tulsa. I have to get in better shape, I realized the other day that I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding (minus a few months before I got prego with Beck) since December 2004. That is like 3 years folks-and I plan to breastfeed Beck until August or until he starts biting.