That is my daily Starbucks order, it is my fav. Aubrey has probably heard me make my order a million times. So tonight the fam made an exciting trip to Sam's and then we stopped at Sbux on the way home. Brad was ordering my tea and his Grande Americano, and from the back I here Aubrey, "I wanna Chai, no wadder." "My Chai" she says. I told her that it was "Mommy's Chai". She protested more "I wanna Chai". It was so cute, I told her that I would get here some juice as soon as we got home, she seemed okay with the juice, but she really wants my Chai Tea and I'm not going to let her have it. My addiction is bad enough. Aubrey is a 2 year old going on 30, Great!
Jerry always says the longer it takes you to order your drink at Starbucks the more HIGH maintenance you are. I am one of those girls that has never claimed to be LOW maintenance, I will be the first to tell you that I am High maintenance. Brad knows it, he knew it before he married me. And now he is stuck with me for better or worse, in sickness (flu) and health, as long as we both shall live. I am happy with that!!
JoySpun Valentine's Day Cami Pajama Set
2 weeks ago
Like mother, like daughter. We must train Aubrey to be high maintenance as well. Shouldn't be hard, right? She deserves the very best! Hugs and kisses to all. Love, Nana and Papa Tom.
Well, do you blame her? Look what you did to me and my addiction to Chai Tea. If it weren't for you I would still have never had one. It's all your fault! I will have to send you the therapy bill now!
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