Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tea Party!!

The kids and I went to San Antonio today to pick up some tables for a baby shower that we are co-hosting this weekend for Brian & Soriya. Aubrey and THE GREAT had a tea party, they had so much fun. The Great got out Aubrey's table and a teapot and some raisans to snack on. And Aubrey got to spend some time with her puppy Fritz. The Great is so happy to have the Grand Dog stay with her. And Beck got some much need tummy time.


Anonymous said...

My Aubrey! My Beck! My Fritzi! Oh, how I miss them all. I am glad Fritzi got to spend some time with the kids and keep Beck clean. The tea party looks like it was great fun! LYMI, Mom, or as the Canadians say, "Mum."

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...The Great and Doodle Bug are enjoying treats. Fritzi seems to be empty-pawed. I'm sure he did his part to keep Beck's face and head clean.