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Friday, October 17, 2008

Sick Day!!

So Tuesday Beck was sick he vomitted twice, once at Waterloo (nice to leave lunch with your friends to clean up puke) and once in his bed. Had to clean EVERYTHING in his bed. And last night I had to end my Girl's Night Out early because Brad had called to tell me that Aubrey had throw up 4 times. And then she did it again at 1 AM in our bed. Good Times!! I started feeling pretty crappy too, sweaty, nausous, sick to my stomach, but b/c of my surgery I am no longer able to throw up. So we will see what happens. And my shoulder was killing me, not sure how much good that shot did. Gotta call my doc!! So I tried to convince Brad to take a sick day and take care of us, NO GO! Maybe he will come home a little early. But Beck seems back to 100%, he ate a HUGE breakfast!! And Aubrey just nibbled on her waffle.


Chrissy said...

Ahhh! I wish I could take a sick day to fly to Austin and take care of you all!! Just remember I am there in spirit...I know I know...that doesn't help at all!

The Rust Family said...

How terrible, we have just had that sweep through our house! First poor Madi then Corby and I both, I was so sick I called my sitter and lay by the front door to keep Clayton in the house while she came over, I think I threw a piece of toast to him for breakfast! I just cleaned carseats, ugh, here is a list of the food I found (goldfish, raisins, old milk, juice, gummy worms) UGH!