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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Crazy Busy!!

So sorry it has been over a week since my last post but we have been super busy lately, I will fill you in later. Here are some highlights of us in San Antonio last weekend when Dee Dee was in town, The Great had the masks left over from a Mardi Gras party.

Aubrey has worn her pink princess dress (Thanks Momma & B-daddy!) for the last 2 days, she only takes it off to eat and to change into pjs or clothes in the AM. All naps have been taken in the dress and she tries to wear the hat during naptime too but it presents problems. What a cutie!!

Uncle TW please find the charger to my Barbie Jeep, I sit in it all the time in the garage and I wish that it would go. Thanks so much! Love, Aubrey


Allyson Bibb said...

Your kids are sooo cute. I love getting to see all of the cute things that they do! Of course you can link my blog to yours. Is it okay if I do the same?


Anonymous said...

I love the outfit and she looks so cute in it. I wish I had one when I was her age.

Anonymous said...

Great masks!!

Gracie Lou said...

Beautiful Princess Aubrey!!!